Saturday, February 25, 2017

Curse of Strahd - Adventure Diary #1

Curse of Strahd - Adventure Diary #1

As many of you would probably criticize the decision I am about to describe, understand that knowing what I know now, I wouldn't change a thing!  As a first time Dungeon Master (DM), and relative newbie to D&D, I chose to start my players out with the Curse of Strahd adventure (crazy right!?).  To top everything off, only 3 out of the 7 players have had any previous experience with playing D&D.  This alone (having 3 people with experience) is proving to be a big help and allowing the players themselves to step-up into the 'gaming leadership role', even though their character traits would not typically allow them to do so.

Player and Character Info 
In order to better understand and follow along with the recaps discussed here at D&D Family Adventures, I want to provide some details of each player and the characters they are role playing in the adventure. 

[Player name - Character name (race/class)]
Aaron - Echo (Half-Elf Rogue)
Jake - Adrik (Dwarf Paladin)
Darby - Grey (Drow Wizard) 
Matt -  Rogar (Draconian Bard)
Bridgett - Waywalkit (Gnome Cleric)
Phillip - Anialis (Half-Elf Ranger)
Cedar - Oreanna (Tiefling Druid) 

As one can see, the group is extremely diverse in both race, class, and character backgrounds.  However, this makes for a very interesting play at the table and entertaining interaction between characters and non-player characters (NPCs).  I also want to note that with so many new players starting the adventure, I decided to begin all of them at 1st level so they would be able to experience the level-up play.  In the Curse of Strahd DM guide, it suggests not only adventure hooks for starting the campaign, but offers a 'mini-adventure' called the Death House to help players level up prior to beginning their torment in the land of Barovia.  In my own opinion, this mini-adventure could be played as a single one shot session for players outside of the Curse of Strahd adventure, as it is extremely detailed and unique in design.  This first Adventure Diary will focus on the players tread through the Death House and discuss the pros and cons of using it to begin the overall adventure.  

Utilizing the two adventure hooks entitled A Plea for Help and Creeping Fog in the Curse of Strahd DM guide, the characters quickly found themselves trapped in the misty fog of the mysterious land known as Barovia.  Upon making their way through the gates and into the Village of Barovia, the characters encountered two children standing in the cold rain, one of which (a young boy), crying for someone named Walter.  The characters were quickly able to learn that the children's names were Rose and Thorn and they were worried about their brother Walter who, according to them, was trapped in their house with a monster.

With much hesitation the characters, with the help of the fog, made their way into the four story Victorian style home.  Without giving away too many details, the characters were very timid to explore, however, were very adamant on finding baby Walter and destroying the threatening monster described to them.  After searching through each story, and encountering a few animated brooms and suits of armor, the characters were able to locate a hidden door that took them to a dungeon below the house.   

As they made their way through the eerie darkness below, the party was assaulted by chanting that rang throughout the stone walls of the crypt.  Eventually after locating the tombs of the Durst family, including Rose and Thorn's, the party was able to figure out the entire rescue of Walter to be a 'set-up'.  Upon making their way into a water filled ceremonial area of the dungeon the party encountered an angry Shambling Mound in which they successfully defeated.  (Note: Because there were seven players/characters in this campaign they successfully overthrew the Shambling Mound, however, I can see where a smaller party of 2-4 characters at Level 1 may have quite a bit of trouble getting rid of the monster.  Just a side note.)

Per the instruction in the Death House module, one of the players had to be sacrifice in order for them to get out safely.  After great discussion, the party determined Echo to be the choice for the sacrifice.  Taking a slight drift away from the module instructions, I altered the ending so that Echo was not killed and instead the party was rewarded with safe passage out of the house for their heroic work/offer.  

The overall demeanor I received from the group was extremely interesting.  Some players seemed mad that the entire thing was a 'hoax', some were at their wits end and frightened, while others still were left connecting the dots between the Durst family and Strahd.  Do know that because the party chose to enter the house as one of their first adventuring actions, they have sense been extremely hesitant to go into/explore any other homes in the Village of Barovia.  Possibly, a repercussion I had not planned would occur (but should have expected with a group relatively new to the game).  

This wraps up our Curse of Strahd Adventure Diary #1.  I hope you enjoyed and please feel free to leave comments and questions below.  Stay tuned for future information and Adventure Diary's here at D&D Family Adventures and until next time, always keep an action readied.

Lessons Learned
New players will be very hesitant to explore and try new things.  Help create their motivation to do so.

Departing Thought
If the characters were ready to sacrifice a party member during this first adventure, what will they be willing to do ten adventures from now?                   

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